Repeat 'table' headings if table goes over two pages...


Amy B


My client wants an excel spreadsheet export of their data (taken
from PHP / SQL database - that's the easy part), but they want each
section to be displayed on the same sheet...

Each category in the system will produce a table as below

Section Name
Item - Cost - Budget
item a - £25 - £25
item b - £25 - £25
item c - £25 - £25

(but with anything between 10 and 100 items in each table).

On some of hte larger tables, they will span two pages - how can I
get the headings of that particular table / section to repeat on the
top of the 2nd page? Is this even possible?

Many thanks,

Amy - flumuxed

p.s. my first solution was to have each section in it's own tab, but
for the sections wtih only 10 items / rows that would waste a lot of
paper when printed - unless there's a 'string all sheets together'
function I don't know about?... :)

Niek Otten

Hi Amy,

File>Page setup>Sheet tab, Rows to repeat at top
Select the top row

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel


My client wants an excel spreadsheet export of their data (taken
from PHP / SQL database - that's the easy part), but they want each
section to be displayed on the same sheet...

Each category in the system will produce a table as below

Section Name
Item - Cost - Budget
item a - £25 - £25
item b - £25 - £25
item c - £25 - £25

(but with anything between 10 and 100 items in each table).

On some of hte larger tables, they will span two pages - how can I
get the headings of that particular table / section to repeat on the
top of the 2nd page? Is this even possible?

Many thanks,

Amy - flumuxed

p.s. my first solution was to have each section in it's own tab, but
for the sections wtih only 10 items / rows that would waste a lot of
paper when printed - unless there's a 'string all sheets together'
function I don't know about?... :)

Amy B

Hi Amy,

File>Page setup>Sheet tab, Rows to repeat at top
Select the top row

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

I tried that, but it would only let me select the rows for the first
'table' - I don't want 'Section A' to be displayed at the heading for
Section B - how can I get Section B to be repeated at the top of the
2nd page of table B - which will be page 3?

Section A
Item - Cost - Budget
item a - £25 - £25
item b - £25 - £25
item c - £25 - £25

Section B
Item - Cost - Budget
item a - £25 - £25
item b - £25 - £25
item c - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25
------- auto page break------
item X - £25 - £25 <-- this is where I want the two rows
Section B / Item - Cost - Budget repeated
item X - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25

Section C
Item - Cost - Budget
item X - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25
------- auto page break------
item X - £25 - £25 <-- this is where I want the two rows Section C /
Item - Cost - Budget repeated
item X - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25
item X - £25 - £25

Hard to explain :)


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