Repeated calls to Solver.xla causing Excel problems


Duke Carey

A model I have created that runs solver on several data sets is causing two
issues. The workobook is designed to use the same solver setup over and
over. A single cell's value controls what base data is fed into solver, and
the code loops through up to 6 values for that single cell, and each loop
requires. Within each loop there are 2 calls to solver, each call using a
different set of interest rates.

Problem #1 - Can't ACTIVATE correct workbook - Excel 2003

After each loop, the solver results sheet (including 3 graphs) is copied to
a separate workbook and everything on it is converted to values and pictures.
The first time the model is run this appears to work just fine through all 6
loops. The second (or third) time the model is run, Excel will sometimes
refuse to (re)activate the workbook that contains the solver model. I have
stopped the code at that point and, while I can interactively toggle between
open workbooks, VBA commands to activate the solver workbook fail.

It seems to fail in different loops, and it sometimes runs fine for 2 or 3
complete models and then fails.

Has anybody seen anything like this?

Problem #2 - It runs SLLOOOOWWLY in 2007 and quickly in Excel 2003

This is more of an observation/complaint/bug report than a request for help

On a 5 year old XP Pro box with XL2003, it took about 2 minutes to run one
complete set of 4 loops. That box has a P4 2.4Ghz processor and 1 gig RAM.

On a very similar box with XP Pro/XL2007 the same model took nearly 40

On a brand new PC with a reasonably fast Core Duo, Vista Ultimate, 2 gigs
RAM and xl2007, the same test took around 20 minutes.

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