repeating animation with hyperlinks



the problem i am having has to do with hyperlinks and repeating slides. most
of the slides in my presentation have mumerous hyperlinks. some of these
hyperlinks are directed to take me back to slides i've been at. however, i
have been realizeing that if a slide has already palyed, than when i
hyperlink to that slide, that animation and preset times will not play again.
i need to know how to get the animation and preset times to work as many
times as i view the slide. is this possible, or am i stuck?

Bill Dilworth

The trick to re-setting the animations to their starting positions is to
'advance into' the slide. Therefore you can place a blank slide with a 0
second auto advance ion front of the slide and link to it. It will
automatically advance into intended slide and reset all the animations. I
would also recommend hiding this blank slide to keep it from interfering
with the slide transitions.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

David M. Marcovitz

The typical method for doing this is to put a blank slide right before the
slide with animations. This blank slide should be set to automatically
tranistion to the next slide after 0 seconds. All hyperlinks should point
to the blank slide.

David M. Marcovitz
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_


Thanks Bill, Thanks David, i didn't think of that. Thanks a lot it will
really help.

John Wilson

You might want to look at the method of using custom shows as well (there's a
tutorial on these pages) Amazing PPT Hints, Tips and
Sometimes using a blank slide is not a good idea eg if you want to return to
the slide you hyperlinked from as " last slide viewed" will not take you
there but to the blank slide.


Thanks John,
i might try that some time in the future, but for now, this "blank slide"
idea will work for me and what i'm trying to do

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