Repeating group across



Does Infopath repeating sections have an option to repeat across vs. down?
Access reports have a feature that allow report columns to repeat down or
across. We found this to be an excellent feature to maximize screen
real-estate with long lists of names.

Franck Dauché


This is unfortunately not a built-in feature of repeating sections.

Franck Dauché

Kay G

I am creating forms in InfoPath for our department's SharePoint Portal. I
am trying to automate user information fields just like the "current date"
option for date field. If the username is the same as the currently logged in
user, how do I automate the name, mail stop, phone, and department fields? I
thought you are my best resource at this time and hence this email. Please
respond at the earliest.

Franck Dauché

Hi Kay,

You may need Active Directory for that, right? There was one post today on
AD, you could check it out...


Franck Dauché

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