Hey PR,
Let me see if I understand...
Your repetitive Header Row is in Row #1 and it has been selected to repeat
at the top of each page via the Page Setup -->Sheet Tab-->"Rows to Repeat at
Correct so far?
The footer information you are referring to---I am assuming is it entered
into an actual numbered row (Row #101) at the bottom of these 100 lines
(rows); and then after you enter data from Row #102 to Row #201 on the second
page, you repeat the footer by copying the data at Row #101 and pasting it
into Row #202.
....and so on.
One more question:
Just what is the information contained in the footer?
#1 - Is it repetitive (i.e. Page #, Document Name, Company Name - the same
each time), or
#2 - is it different based on the data in the 100 lines above it, like
subtotals at line 101, then at line 202, etc?
If it is repetitive information, then remove the footer information from the
worksheet, and use the Page Setup -->Headers and Footers Tab to enter the
footer information & format the footer. Then, enter all of your information -
as many 100-row pages as necessary, and after all of the data entry is done,
use the Page Break view to break the pages at every 100 rows. Your repeating
Header Row Titles will appear at the top of each page, and your repeating
footer will appear at the bottom of each page.
If is is information based on the data in rows above, you could consider
creating a template; entering your header row, then entering appropriate
formulas in every 101st rows, for subtotals, counts, whatever it is you are
doing - and then copying the data that comes from this supplier into your
blank template, and the formulas will give you your footer detail.
One last thought...what about using multiple worksheets? Put the header and
footer information 100 rows apart on multiple sheets, and when you enter 100
lines of data, go on to the next sheet; then set up the Print Properties to
print the entire workbook instead of just one sheet.
I don't know if this information is going to be helpful to you, because I'm
not entirely sure what kind of data/information you are working with in these
footers. These are just alternatives to repetitive copy/pastes.