Repeating Loop Until End of Document



I have read the other posts regarding this and did not find anything that
would help me. I think I'm starting to get there is no easy answer. Here is
what I have. Forgive me if it is awful...I am just starting to learn this.

Sub Macro3()
Dim X As Integer
Do Until X = 1000000
Application.Run MacroName:="Macro5"
MsgBox ("Macro Finished!")
End Sub

I am trying to loop a recorded macro (Macro5) that goes down 66 lines with
the Goto command and then formats that line with paragraph formatting Exactly
16Pt. I need this to keep going down 66 lines and formatting the line it hits
until the end of the document. My husband suggested the code shown above and
had me put X=1000000 going down 66 lines from the last record to try to get
it to end there. When I run this, I never see the Macro Finished! message,
and the cursor flashes at the end as though it is going back and forth
between the last 2 carriage returns. When I stop the macro, and check some
of the records, the 66th line is formatted correctly. I can use this as is if
I can get it to stop looping, but I would prefer the correct code to make it
loop until the end of document or the end of the file. If this goes back to
the top and starts formatting 66 lines down from the top of the document, it
will mess up the positioning of the data. Any suggestions would be
appreciated! Thanks!

Cindy Meister

Hmm. Is the purpose really to just make sure every paragraph is formatted
with 16 pt font size? In that case, this should work:

Sub Format16Pt()
ActiveDocument.Range.Font.Size = 16
End Sub

If that's not quite what you need, please explain the END RESULT you require
(don't worry how to get there, just tell us what you need as a result).


No, we are not trying to make every paragraph exactly 16 pt. The majority of
the document is exactly 12 pt. Starting at Line 20 and every 66th line down
until the end of the document needs to be changed to exactly 16 pt. After we
do this we will also need to loop to change every 66th line down from Line 63
to exactly 8 pt. We are using this to position data on a preprinted form. We
have to work with this data the way it comes to use from our client so what
we are doing is moving a certain part of the data down at Line 20 in every
record and then up at Line 63 in every record so it falls correclty on the
preprinted form. Sorry I wasn't clear. Hope that helps.


Cindy Meister

Yes, that does clarify :)

One more question, then, to be really sure: Are these lines or paragraphs?
(I'd assume paragraphs, but it makes a big difference on how to approach the
problem, and how efficiently it can be coded.)


Sorry I just realized I left out a line. This macro that I tried is like this:

Sub Macro3()
Dim X As Integer
Do Until X = 1000000
Application.Run MacroName:="Macro5"
MsgBox ("Macro Finished!")
End Sub

Greg Maxey

A loop for what you are actually trying to do could be complicated. How

Sub Test()
Dim i As Long
Dim oPar As Paragraph
For i = 20 To ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count Step 66
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Range.Font.Size = 16
Next i
End Sub


Greg: Could you explain which each line of code is doing? I need to be able
to explain to my boss what we are doing to the client's file. Thanks.

Greg Maxey


Dim i As Long - Declared the variable i as Long.

Dim oPar as Paragraph is redundant and you can delete it. I was thinking
one thing and doing another.

For i = 20 to ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count Step 66

That means when i = 20 and each increment of 66 (e.g. 86, 152, 208, etc.) up
to the total number of paragraphs then perform the next statement

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Range.Font.Size = 16

That means for paragraph number 20 and 86 and 152, etc. set the font size of
the paragraph range to 16

Next i

Couunt up 1

So starting at i = 20 the 20th paragraph range font size is set to 16
Then skip paragraphs 21 trough 85
Then work on paragraph 86
So on and so on

Does that explain it?

Greg Maxey

Putting it another way, your boss ought to be able to see what you did to
the clients file ;-)

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Are you sure that you want to change the font size of the paragraph rather
than insert a page break?

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Greg, thanks so much! Yes this explains it. Your suggestion was awesome and
so much easier than trying to use a loop. Changing the font size did not
actually bump down the block of text so I altered what you gave me as shown
below, and it worked perfectly!

Dim i As Long
For i = 20 To ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count Step 66
With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i)
.LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceExactly
.LineSpacing = 16
End With
Next i
End Sub

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