Repeating section



I'm new to Infopath and generally can pick up any software no problem but
this one is driving me nuts!!! it's probably something simple I'm just

I'm trying to create a basic data entry form based on Access - table
Projects with a 2nd table Actions - they are tied by field ControlNo.

all data in table Projects should be non repeating with the fields in
Actions as a repeatable table.

Every which way I format I go wrong. If I drag the dataFields to the data
entry section I get the whole form as repeatable and the Actions section as
optional but not repeatable on it own.

I've tried to add the sections seperately...I add each field and get a
message that I am tring to add a repeatable field to a non repeatable section
do you want to continue. I continue and add a repeatable table for the
actions associated with this project. All looks good until I submit and get
an error about submitting blank lines even though I have added a 2nd row to
the actions section and all fields are filled in...

also tried other layouts and haven't been able to add a repeating table or
makes the entire form repeatable but not the section I want.

What am I doing wrong - I've been working on this for days now and every
time it doesn't work I have to recreate the entire form...



Make the optional section to repeating section by following below steps.
1. Double click on Optional section.
2. You will get properties window.
3. Uncheck the field Allow users to delete the section.
4. Click on Ok.
Now it will work for you.

Hope this helps.

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