Repeating Sedtion and Drop Down List Box



I have a repeating section that contains a drop down list box which
pulls from a sharepoint list. This list box is currently filtered to
show values that link to another drop down list box...

Example: I have 4 divisions in the first drop down list box. When the
user selects their division it shows only those projects in the project
name drop down list box that are associated with that particular
division. Once the user selects the the project name, the user needs
to provide additional details about that particular project. They need
to repeat this process for each project in the list. This becomes a 1
to many relationship.

This part works fine. Now...what I want to do is as users add
additional sections (project details) to remove the project name that
they have already completed.

Example: Division A has 4 projects. Project Name has 4 project names.
User selects Project 1, and provides detail about that project. The
user then adds an additional section and the project name list box only
shows 3 project names (the remaining projects that need to be

Please help!


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