Repeating Table - Remove Item Button


Paul Dacre

Hi Guys,

On a repeating table, there is a button below it which has "insert item"

Is there a way to make a button to remove an item ?

It's difficult for users to find the shortcut menu on the left hand side of
the repeating table, so i would like a button the is below the table to make
it clearer.

Ben Walters

Hey Paul,
There are 2 ways you could address this issue both will require some custom

1: Place a delete button on each row of your repeating table, then using
custom code you can remove the current row

2: Add a check box to each row of the repeating table, then place a delete
button in the footer of the table to remove all selected rows

As I said both options will require some custom coding but should get the
desired affect

Hope this helps

Ben Walters

Paul Dacre

Hi Ben,

Option 1 sounds good.

How would i go about coding it ?

Kind Regards,
Paul Dacre

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