Repeating table with dropdown from secondary source


Carlos F.

Apologies if I'm making a repeat post on this matter. I have checked
this forum and found it quite informative, so I hope you guys can help
me out. I'm fairly new at IP and hope to get a solution based NOT on

I am using an Access database with a main source and a secondary
:TestID (autonumber)

Secondary source
----> bunch of other information


My objective is to have a very simple tool for when you need to fill
out the scores of all the tests of a particular training. What I
wanted it was for the user to be able to see a repeating table with a
drop down of all the Names and then automatically fill in the
appropiate EmployeeID (which is why I have the secondary source)

I thought that implied having a temporary field (tempfield) that will
allow a pull down of the different participants and have it retrieve
the EmployeeID from the Secondary Source and save it as
TestEmployeeID. It will looks somewhat like this:

Test Form (the important part anyways)

| Employee Name | Employee Id | Grade <-----
| tempfield | TestEmployeeID | TestGrade
<----- repeating line on table

for clarification:
--- tempfield = dropdown list of Name using secondary source Employees
--- TestEmployeeID = field automatically filled by tempfield such that
it is EmployeeID [which Name = tempfield]

My main problem is that everytime I try adding this tempfield to the
Main repeating table, IP gives me an error stating that such a field
doesn't belong there and I should move it, making it overwrite all the
EmployeeIDs on the table.

I have tried changing the characteristics of the tempfield so it will
be accepted in the main repeating table without success. I even tried
making it work with a blue i message, and still no luck.

Hope I made myself clear.
Thanks in advance.

Carlos F.

I forgot to state on thing. The closest solution I have come up with
has a major problem. I can get the drop down to work appropiatly (even
with the error message) but everytime I change it, all the
TestEmployeeID fields change accordingly.
Thanks in advance.
Carlos F.

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