Repeating Tables and Calculations



Hopefully I can explain clearly...

I have a repeating table with 5 rows (for this example I will call the rows
A,B,C,D & E)
Row A = Quantity (user enters manually)
Row B = Code (user picks from a drop down that is pulled from the 2nd data
Row C = Description (filled in automatically from the 2nd data source based
on Row B)
Row D = Cost (filled in automatically from the data based on Row B, then
multiplied by Row A to give a total cost)
Row E = Bucket (filled in automatically from the 2nd data source based on
Row B).

The repeating table may have 2 entries, or 50 and will vary always.
Now what I am trying to do are these 2 things:

1 - after the last repeating table is entered, I need to have fields that
take the grand totals (row D) for EACH Bucket (Row E).
Example - Row E is the Bucket (or category) I have the Codes (Row B)
allocated to. I have a total of 8 different Buckets that could happen based
on the Codes (Row B) that the user enters.
Lets say there are 10 entries the user makes, which have 4 different Bucket
categories - I need to have 4 fields at the end of the table (or could be in
a different table) that pulls the combined cost totals for each of the Bucket

So hopefully that makes sense and is something that can be done.
Thank you!

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