Repeating Tables & SQL Server



Hi all,

I have yet another question for you all!

I have a repeating table with four columns (ID, Make, Model, S/N). I have a
set of rules that populates Make, Model, S/N from a database based on what
the user types into ID. This works perfectly for the first row, but when I
add the second row it populates Make, Model, S/N using the data found for the
first row.

How can I get around this?

Thanks again.


Barb Troyer

Hi all,

I have yet another question for you all!

I have a repeating table with four columns (ID, Make, Model, S/N).  I have a
set of rules that populates Make, Model, S/N from a database based on what
the user types into ID.  This works perfectly for the first row, but when I
add the second row it populates Make, Model, S/N using the data found forthe
first row.

How can I get around this?

Thanks again.


I'm having a very similar issue. I have created a check deposit
register. In a repeating table, one field displays a drop-down of
"residents" from a SQL view. When a resident is selected, another
field displays "resident account number". This works great for the
first check. However, for second and all subsequent checks the account
number displayed is that of the first check. Oddly, in another view
where one check has multiple residents, it works fine. Any suggestions?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Can you describe a bit more exactly how you constructed your form template?
What kind of rules you've got set up where and how? It sounds as though
you're using a rule to set the value of a field in a row in a repeating
table? And how are you adding the row (through the user interface or code)?
And do you have any default values set up on the fields in the repeating

Ron B.

I have a similar problem, and I suspect it's something I'm doing wrong, but I
can't figure out the right way to do it and I can't find a demo or tutorial
to learn.

I started with a basic form with a SQL Server connection. I have Barcode as
the PK, and Showname, Episode and Producer as subsequent fields. I put the
Barcode QueryField up above the "Run Query" button, and put all four
DataFields below it.

I would like to set this up as a form where one can enter a number of
barcodes and get information on a number of them, but like the other two
gentlemen it'll clear out the form every time I enter a new barcode. Even if
I click to Insert New Item, the same barcode will populate all the items.

Ron B.

I'm still looking for an answer on this one. Right now we have a very hairy
work-around where we basically manually create the fields to look up data
from a secondary source. Seems like this is unneccessary - seems far more
elegant if we can get the repeating section to work the way it was meant to.

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