Hi Damian,
There's a number of ways.
If you have a document that is protected for forms and a formfield into
which you enter the company name, at the other locations in the document,
you can insert a cross reference to the text of the bookmark that is
assigned to the formfield. Then if in the Properties dialog for the
formfield, you have checked the "Calculate on exit" box, the cross
references will be updated with the information entered into the formfield
when you exit from the field.
Alternatively, you can used the File>Properties dialog to create a Custom
Document Property into which you enter the Company Name and then you can
insert DOCPROPERTY fields where-ever you want the name to appear.
If this is something that you need to do constantly with a number of
documents, then you should create a template in which you have an autonew
macro that either calls a userform (if there's more than just the company
name that you want to enter) or calls and InputBox using the Visual Basic
InputBox command to display an input Box into which the user enters the
company name and then set that information either to a Document Variable or
a Custom Document Property and display it in the document by means of a
DOCVARIABLE or DOCPROPERTY field as applicable.
For the userform approach, see the article "How to create a Userform" at:
Please respond to the Newsgroup for the benefit of others who may be
interested. Questions sent directly to me will only be answered on a paid
consulting basis.
Hope this helps,
Doug Robbins - Word MVP