I have used MS FP 2002 for about a year and a half with no
problems. For no apparent reason, now when I go to my
various website servers (it happens on all of my customer
websites) I get the diaglog box that says:
"You do not have permission to do this operation. Ask
your website administrator to change your permissions and
try again, or log on with a user account that has this
permission. To log on with a different user account click
When I click ok, I am promtped for the username and
password again and it will let me open the particular page
desired. Then when I try to open another page, the exact
same things happens. This happens every time I try to
open another existing page. My partner can access these
servers fine on his machine and he has the same version of
MS FP as I do.
problems. For no apparent reason, now when I go to my
various website servers (it happens on all of my customer
websites) I get the diaglog box that says:
"You do not have permission to do this operation. Ask
your website administrator to change your permissions and
try again, or log on with a user account that has this
permission. To log on with a different user account click
When I click ok, I am promtped for the username and
password again and it will let me open the particular page
desired. Then when I try to open another page, the exact
same things happens. This happens every time I try to
open another existing page. My partner can access these
servers fine on his machine and he has the same version of
MS FP as I do.