replace author name in document



Using MSWord 2000. Tracking changes - the user has made
changes on document at two machines so she has two author
names showing. Is there a way to replace one of her
author names in this document so that all of her PREVIOUS
changes show as the one author?
Thanks for your help!

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Linda,
Using MSWord 2000. Tracking changes - the user has made
changes on document at two machines so she has two author
names showing. Is there a way to replace one of her
author names in this document so that all of her PREVIOUS
changes show as the one author?
No, I don't believe there is in Word 2000. As I recall,
there is a way to do this in Word 2003 VBA. If you have a
copy of that, you might try this on a COPY of the document.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

Klaus Linke

Is there a way to replace one of her author names in this
document so that all of her PREVIOUS changes show
as the one author?

You could save as HTML or RTF, and look up/replace the name in Notepad.

In HTML, you'd need to look for <mailto: ...> tags.

In RTF, you could do the changes in the header (\revtbl), or manipulate the
\revauth and \revauthdel tags.
I have done the former (just one change, instead of many), and Word displays
the revisions in the same colour as long as the names in \revtbl are the

Best make a backup copy though. I have done this a couple of times without
problems, but it might go wrong. Better safe than sorry.


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