Be careful. Be very careful. You could use do something as simple, but slow,
as open up the table; click on that column, then do a Find and Replace on
However (this is the careful part) Construction could come out looking like
So make very sure to back up the entire database and that table before doing
Actually unless you have thousands of records or this is something that you
have to do frequently, you might be better off just doing it manually.
I'd do a find on the CompanyName field; searching any part of the field; on
{space}co . This would jump you through records that didn't have any co's
and actually place you on the co's there. Then you could decide if it should
be company or left alone.
Jerry Whittle, Microsoft Access MVP
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.
Sandspur said:
I have a [CompanyName] field that I need to replace Co with Company
Most of the time Co is at the end of the CompanyName but sometimes it is in
the middle of CompanyName
Ajax Construction Co
Big Construction Co Inc
Thank you