Hello Kees,
Definitely yes. Iterate through the commandbarpopups until you find the one
with the caption "File", or "&File",
then iterate through its commandbarbuttons until you find the one with the
caption "SaveAs" or "Save&As".
Change the properties of Enabled to false, and Visible to false. Then add
your own CommandBarButton with the appropriate caption and OnAction
You'll also need to either make the VBA module an AddIn that is opened from
the Startup folder, or a permanent part of Normal.Dot. If the Normal.Dot
gets corrupted for some other reason, and is deleted and auto-replaced by
Word, you'll lose that macro. So consider making it an AddIn.
However, this won't keep the Alt+F and the subsequent Alt+a keystrokes from
working on the original SaveAs commandbarbutton. You'll need to use the
OnKey events to capture those and call your macro.
An alternative is to use the ODMA interface that comes built into Word.
That hooks the Save and SaveAs commands so that you can replace or add to
their functionality. You can download more information, and the ODMA core
dll from the site at
From: "Kees van Amerongen" <
[email protected]>
Subject: Replace existing command with add-in
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 13:18:05 +0200
Is there a way to replace an existing command with an Word Add_in.
For example, i'd like to add code to the FileSaveAs command. With a macro i
make a macro and name it FileSaveAs and add my code. Can this be done with
an add-in.
I only see examples of add-in's where buttons are added and the code is
executed by the
Kees van Amerongen
Chris Jensen[MSFT]
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