Replace font of a character




The font I use throughout my PPT is Trebuchet. I use the
"&" (ampersand symbol) frequently in the text. However I want to
change the font of only this character (the "&") from Trebuchet to
Arial. The Edit --> Replace menu does not give me the option to change
font or the format. Please help.

BTW, I use Powerpoint 2002.


Ute Simon

To do this, you would have to find a program to edit fonts. Though I know,
that those programs exist in the internet for professional and hobby font
designers, I am not sure, whether it will be able to edit the Trebuchet font
with them. You might have to create a new font and import the other
ampersand into it.

But: People who design fonts usually spend some years studying design. They
are specialists who know, which characters go together well and who invested
some time and thought on the form of the Trebuchet ampersand. Are you really
sure, you can judge what looks better?

I recently saw a very interesting interview on (in German)
with Luc(as) de Groot, the designer of Microsoft's new Calibri font. And
after that I would never dare to make a character change.

Best regards,


Thanks Ute.

However, I am not trying to edit the font. I just want Arial & in
place of Trebuchet &.

In effect, I want all Trebuchet &s in the ppt to be of Arial font.
That's all.


John Wilson

Do you know how to use vba code?

If so try this:
Sub arialit()
Dim osld As Slide
Dim oshp As Shape
Dim lStartPos As Long
Dim Ifrom As Integer
Dim sPhrase As String
Dim sSearchPhrase As String

sSearchPhrase = "&"

For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each oshp In osld.Shapes
Ifrom = 1
If oshp.HasTextFrame Then
If oshp.TextFrame.HasText Then
sPhrase = oshp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
lStartPos = InStr(Ifrom, sPhrase, "&", vbTextCompare)
If lStartPos > 0 Then
oshp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(lStartPos, 1).Font.Name = "Arial"
Ifrom = lStartPos + 1
End If
Loop While lStartPos <> 0
End If
End If
End Sub

If not there's a simple tutorial on our site here: #vba

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email john AT

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