Replace Function using Wildcards




I am using the VBA replace function and wondering if I can include wildcard
to find a text.

For example my string is...

"a) Akli Amine Mohamed b) Killech Shamir c) Kali Sami Elias"

and i want to replace the letter and closing brackets with a semi colon so
it looks like this...

";Akli Amine Mohamed; Killech Shamir; Kali Sami Elias"

i tried the replace function but could only replace the closing brackets,
not the letter to the left.

Replace("a) Akli Amine Mohamed b) Killech Shamir c) Kali Sami Elias", ")",

and output was...

a; Akli Amine Mohamed b; Killech Shamir c; Kali Sami Elias

my question is, can I use a wildcard in the replace function so the closing
bracket and letter to the left are replaced by the semi colon.

appreciate help and perhaps a better way to do this.




Hi Bobm,

I think you need a user defined function:

Function MyReplace(ByVal strFrom As String) As String

Dim strResult As String
Dim intPos As Integer

intPos = InStr(1, strFrom, ")", vbTextCompare)

Do While intPos > 0
If intPos > 2 Then
strResult = strResult & Left(strFrom, intPos - 2) & ";"
strResult = strResult & ";"
End If
strFrom = Mid(strFrom, intPos + 1)
intPos = InStr(1, strFrom, ")", vbTextCompare)
MyReplace = strResult & strFrom
End Function



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