replace last four of ssn with xxxx


mary s

How do I replace the last four of an ssn with xxxx? I tried:
Insert > function
Old text > A1 (or whatever start cell)
Start num > 8
Num char > 4
New text xxxx

The end result I want is 123-45-xxxx but every time i try to copy the
formula down it alters the successive ssns. Any ideas?

mary s

Is there any way I can lock that formula so that when I copy it down a column
of SSNs the following SSNs don't change?

David Biddulph

Is there any way I can lock that formula so that when I copy it down a
of SSNs the following SSNs don't change?

You're not copying the formula down column A, are you? If your existing
SSNs are in column A, put your formula in column B (or any convenient empty
column). If, when you've done that, you want to replace the old SSNs with
the new ones, you can cut, then paste special/ values.

mary s

Yeah. I was creating the formula and copying it down the same column. They
all work once I enter them in a new blank column and copy down. Thanks
everyone for your help!

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