Replace using ^z



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

With wildcards on, I'm trying to replace ± in a document with ^z±^z because the author didn't include a space around the plus/minus sign.

When I do a replace, Word inserts | instead of a non-breaking space and when I print, neither a non-breaking space nor | is printed.

Is there a way to work with non-breaking spaces?


I believe he control character for a non-breaking space is ^s, not ^z. I
haven't taken the time to *thoroughly* test it but if you give ^s±^s a try
it should work.


That's it, thank you! It's a bug in the find/replace window that inserts ^z for non-breaking space.


Glad it helped, but your reply gives me cause for concern... Exactly what
were you doing that triggered the ^z?

The only feature I know of is the Special menu at the bottom of the expanded
F&R dialog - which correctly inserts ^s here in 2 separate installations of
Office in 2 separate versions of OS X. And I've found nothing that inserts
the ^z - which AFAIK isn't even a valid control character.

It would be most helpful to know what is producing the ^z for you.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


That's exactly what I'm using. After checking wildcards, I go to the special menu and select "nonbreaking space." Word enters ^s in the search box. I'm using Office 2008.

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