Replacement for Office 2007 ribbon menu appearance



Hi folks, I am interested in learning whether folks have found an add-on for
Office 2007 which replaces the ribbon line with the old 'File Menu' commands
found in previous versions of Office. My IT folks are unwilling to provide a
3rd party add-on for this, so I was wondering what the larger Office
community has to say.

Thanks for your input.

JoAnn Paules

I would recommend getting used to the new interface rather than fuss with
third party add-in software.

Lucy Thomson


I agree with JoAnn that learning the new interface is a better way to go in
the long run. MS have provided a variety of resources such as an interactive
online guide where you click on how you would do something in 2003 and it
shows you where that is in 2007 and downloadable spreadsheets that you can
search for 'lost' commands:

There are also training modules just for 2007:

Good luck!


Lucy Thomson

0o0o0o no. I'm not surprised - the more commands there are the more
difficult it is to try and cram them all into menus....


Lucy Thomson
PowerPoint MVP
MOS Master Instructor

JoAnn Paules said:
Did you see that TechSmith is adopting a ribbon interface?


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Lucy Thomson said:

I agree with JoAnn that learning the new interface is a better way to go
in the long run. MS have provided a variety of resources such as an
interactive online guide where you click on how you would do something in
2003 and it shows you where that is in 2007 and downloadable spreadsheets
that you can search for 'lost' commands:

There are also training modules just for 2007:

Good luck!

Lucy Thomson
PowerPoint MVP
MOS Master Instructor


Tsugazi, if you search the posts, you'll find links to several add-ons. Are
you a "captive" user. meaning is your employer mandating the use of Office
2007 ? If that's the case, you have my sympathy. You're probably part of the
85% "acceptance" Jensen Harris claims.

In my case, I went back to Office 2003 and am slowly working on
transitioning to OpenOffice & Zoho. I tried the ridiculous Ribbon and found
it to be illogical, confusing and counterproductive. I don't see the value
proposition in spending the $$$s to buy I don't like and spending the time
and effort to learn a new GUI that does absolutely nothing for me.

-- Gemini

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