Replacing a local resource to an enterprise resource




I accidentally added a local resource and would like to replace her to the
enterprise resource.
In fact, she was an enterprise resource named "FM Kathrine Brown," but I
manually added "Cathrine Brown." 1) I added a local resource name. 2) I
mistyped her name. Is there any specific process I should follow when
changing to an enterprise resource, or can I just simply change the resources?

I need to change the resource like below;
Cathrine Brown ->> FM Kathrine Brown

We use MS Project Server 2003.
Any advice and suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Jim Erwin


I accidentally added a local resource and would like to replace her to the
enterprise resource.
In fact, she was an enterprise resource named "FM Kathrine Brown," but I
manually added "Cathrine Brown."  1) I added a local resource name. 2) I
mistyped her name.  Is there any specific process I should follow when
changing to an enterprise resource, or can I just simply change the resources?

I need to change the resource like below;
Cathrine Brown ->> FM Kathrine Brown

We use MS Project Server 2003.
Any advice and suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Open the project plan that contains the local resource, then go to
Tools-->Build Team From Enterprise. The local resource will be listed
in the resource list on the right side of the page, the enterprise
list of resources on the left. Highlight the local resource, then
find and highlight the enterprise resource and click Replace>>. This
will replace all assignments for the local resource to the enterprise

If the local resource has actuals applied to tasks, then for those
tasks you'll have to manually make the change to the enterprise


Hi Jim

Thank you so much for the instruction.
Since the resource does not have actuals, we can follow your simple steps.
But can we also change this manually?

You mentioned that we would need to make the changes manually if the local
resource has actuals. If we change a local resource to an enterprise resource
manually, would there be any impact? Isn't it recommended to change to an
enterprise resource after the actuals applied to the tasks?

I would appreciate your support.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Using the Build Team from Enterprise dialog allows you to replace a resource
if the resource has not actual work posted to any tasks. This moves all of
the planned work to the new replacement resource.

The replace button in the Assign Resources dialog also replaces a resource
on a task, however it only replaces the resource for any remaining work on
the assignments and leaves the actual work with the original resource

Manually changing the resource, if done correctly, moves both the planned
and actual work to the new resource.

It sounds as though any of the three methods would do the job for you in
this case.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:


Hi Gary

Thank you for your explanation.
Like you said, all the three methods seem to work in our case,
but I would like to ask one more.

Here's another question regarding the first option below; using "Build Team
from enterprise." I understand that we can highlight an enterprise resource
from the left column and highlight the local resource from the right column,
then click replace. However, what if I have the enterprise resouce already
in the right column and has been assigned tasks? How am I supposed to
replace the resources if a local and an enterprise are in the right column?
Is there any problems if I delete the enterprise resouce to the right,
replace the resouces, add him again to the left? If the resouce has actuals
already, I don't think I am able to move him to the left.

Thank you in advance.

New project administrator

Gary L. Chefetz said:

Using the Build Team from Enterprise dialog allows you to replace a resource
if the resource has not actual work posted to any tasks. This moves all of
the planned work to the new replacement resource.

The replace button in the Assign Resources dialog also replaces a resource
on a task, however it only replaces the resource for any remaining work on
the assignments and leaves the actual work with the original resource

Manually changing the resource, if done correctly, moves both the planned
and actual work to the new resource.

It sounds as though any of the three methods would do the job for you in
this case.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:


Hi Jim

Thank you so much for the instruction.
Since the resource does not have actuals, we can follow your simple steps.
But can we also change this manually?

You mentioned that we would need to make the changes manually if the local
resource has actuals. If we change a local resource to an enterprise resource
manually, would there be any impact? Isn't it recommended to change to an
enterprise resource after the actuals applied to the tasks?

I would appreciate your support.
New project administrator

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Hi Sara,

Please don't confuse, Gary already explained in detail about Replace
Resources for you.

Replace option is ideal for the following two scenarios:

1) If you have generic resource/enterprise resource in plan without
actual work
2) If you have resource (local/enterprise) with actual work, but you
want to still keep the actual work with original resource and want to
assign the future work to new resource

If you want to transfer all kind of work (future work & actual work)
and all assignments from original resource to new resource, in that
case you have to copy the assignments between the resources. (Build
Team from Enteprise feature will not address your issue here)

I explained the example on copy assignments in my website. Please
refer to the following URL.



Hi Gary, Chak

Thank you very much for your support.
I used from the "Assign Resources Dialog," and it worked!


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