Replacing a sentence with VBA-code


Mark Anders

One my form includes a control to calculate amount of holes. I am using
following sentence to calculate:

Holes: IIf([lenhgt] Between 120 And 800;2;IIf([lenhgt] Between 800 And
1350;3;IIf([lenhgt] Between 1350 And 1900;4;IIf([lenhgt] Between 1900 And
2450;5;IIf([lenhgt] Between 2450 And 3000;6;IIf([lenhgt] Between 3000 And

Measures are as millimeter.

There is another control on the form to calculate the distance of holes.

Is there sense to change sentences to VBA-code? Both of sentences return
right values. If so, what kind of code is needed?

Jeanette Cunningham

Hi Mark,

I am not sure that a understand your question correctly, but here goes.

The sentence below is already VBA code that tells Access how to calculate
the value for the control called Holes.

Holes: IIf([lenhgt] Between 120 And 800;2;IIf([lenhgt] Between 800 And
1350;3;IIf([lenhgt] Between 1350 And 1900;4;IIf([lenhgt] Between 1900 And
2450;5;IIf([lenhgt] Between 2450 And 3000;6;IIf([lenhgt] Between 3000 And

I would leave this sentence (code) for Holes and the other control just as
they are, unless they are giving you errors on the form.

Hope I understood your question as you intended?

Jeanette Cunnningham