Replacing an existing website with new, how do I save original?



I am replacing a current Frontpage website, on-line and active, with a new
updated version (entirely new theme). Most of the pages have the name as the
existing page (it is the on ly way that makes sense for people visiting) .

My question is, and I am sure it is simple, how do I save the existing
website and all of its current .htm files and pictures to my hard drive
before I delete it from the internet and then upload, or publish, the new
version? Is that the best way to do it?

Sorry if these are dumb questions.

Thanks for the help guys.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

If you've been working locally and then publishing to your remote server,
you already have the old copy, so just name your new web/site something
different on your local machine before you publish to the remote server.

|I am replacing a current Frontpage website, on-line and active, with a new
| updated version (entirely new theme). Most of the pages have the name as
| existing page (it is the on ly way that makes sense for people visiting) .
| My question is, and I am sure it is simple, how do I save the existing
| website and all of its current .htm files and pictures to my hard drive
| before I delete it from the internet and then upload, or publish, the new
| version? Is that the best way to do it?
| Sorry if these are dumb questions.
| Thanks for the help guys.


If you have updated the local copy, then:
in Windows Explorer create a new folder for the old version.
Open the live version of the site in FrontPage - File->Open Site/ Web, then
choose from Network Places or type in the full URL for the site in the form
Publish the site to the new folder you just created.

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