Robert H
In a data analysis worksheet I create named ranges for each data
column. The names are used in formulas, conbditional formating, charts
etc. To work around named range "name" limitations and how I want my
column headings to look I replace blank spaces with "_", name the
range and then replace "_" with blank spaces.
Note, the renaming is new I have been just living with underscores in
the headings.
Like so:
For Each C In Selection
cAdd = C.Address
cRng = Range(C.Offset(1, 0), C.End(xlDown)).Address
C.Value = Replace(C.Value, " ", "_") 'Make header text
safe for "NAMES"
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:=C.Value, RefersTo:="=" & "'" &
SheetName & "'" & "!" & cRng
C.Value = Replace(C.Value, "_", " ") 'restore blanks in
header text
In a few instances the code searches through the headings for keywords
and the selects a named range based in the findings. Like so:
Set zNmRngA = Cells.Find(what:="IMP", _
After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlPart, _
searchorder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, _
in this case the first column found has the heading "IMP 100 Hz" when
it tries to match it to a name one is not found because the
corresponding name is "IMP_100_Hz"
is it possible to modify zNmRngA after it is set to find and replace
the blanks with "_"?
I know this is a goofy setup but it has evolved over the years and Im
just trying to clean up the presentation.
column. The names are used in formulas, conbditional formating, charts
etc. To work around named range "name" limitations and how I want my
column headings to look I replace blank spaces with "_", name the
range and then replace "_" with blank spaces.
Note, the renaming is new I have been just living with underscores in
the headings.
Like so:
For Each C In Selection
cAdd = C.Address
cRng = Range(C.Offset(1, 0), C.End(xlDown)).Address
C.Value = Replace(C.Value, " ", "_") 'Make header text
safe for "NAMES"
ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:=C.Value, RefersTo:="=" & "'" &
SheetName & "'" & "!" & cRng
C.Value = Replace(C.Value, "_", " ") 'restore blanks in
header text
In a few instances the code searches through the headings for keywords
and the selects a named range based in the findings. Like so:
Set zNmRngA = Cells.Find(what:="IMP", _
After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlPart, _
searchorder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, _
in this case the first column found has the heading "IMP 100 Hz" when
it tries to match it to a name one is not found because the
corresponding name is "IMP_100_Hz"
is it possible to modify zNmRngA after it is set to find and replace
the blanks with "_"?
I know this is a goofy setup but it has evolved over the years and Im
just trying to clean up the presentation.