Hi all,
I'm using Word 97. When I type quote marks ("") they will be converted
to Word's special ones as wanted.
Anyway, here are my problems and questions:
'This works OK
MyText = ReplaceString(MyText, Chr$(133), "...")
'This doesn't work, why not?
MyText = ReplaceString(MyText, Chr$(147), Chr$(34))
'This doesn't work either, why not?
MyText = ReplaceString(MyText, AscW(Chr$(147)), Chr$(34))
Public Function ReplaceString(MyText As Range, OriginalText, NewText As
With MyText.Find
.Text = OriginalText
.Replacement.Text = NewText
End With
MyText.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
ReplaceString = MyText
End Function
Thanks a lot,
I'm using Word 97. When I type quote marks ("") they will be converted
to Word's special ones as wanted.
Anyway, here are my problems and questions:
'This works OK
MyText = ReplaceString(MyText, Chr$(133), "...")
'This doesn't work, why not?
MyText = ReplaceString(MyText, Chr$(147), Chr$(34))
'This doesn't work either, why not?
MyText = ReplaceString(MyText, AscW(Chr$(147)), Chr$(34))
Public Function ReplaceString(MyText As Range, OriginalText, NewText As
With MyText.Find
.Text = OriginalText
.Replacement.Text = NewText
End With
MyText.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
ReplaceString = MyText
End Function
Thanks a lot,