Replacing the access standard error MSG.


Ran BD

Hi guys.
i added command buttons to my application and would like to replace the
standard error msg access provide.
any ideas ?


Allen Browne

[Event Procedure]
not a macro, in the On Click property of your button.

In the event procedure, use error handling. This link:
provides the basic details, and an example of how to log the error messages
of your choice to a table.

Ran BD


Allen Browne said:
[Event Procedure]
not a macro, in the On Click property of your button.

In the event procedure, use error handling. This link:
provides the basic details, and an example of how to log the error messages
of your choice to a table.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Ran BD said:
Hi guys.
i added command buttons to my application and would like to replace the
standard error msg access provide.
any ideas ?

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