Reply Address



I have several different email accounts all being channeled into the same
Exchange Server mailbox for processing. The inbox is associated with a
specific email account that was created when "Sales" was created (e.g.,
(e-mail address removed)). When they arrive, a set of rules is run that
automatically moves them into a specific folder (e.g., if 'Amazon' is in the
subject line it is placed in an Amazon folder that I created). All this
works great (but see next paragraph).

My problem is that when I reply to an email I'd like the reply to
automatically use what had been the recipient's original email address. For
example, if an email was directed to (e-mail address removed) and had the word
Amazon in the subject line, it would be relocated to the Amazon folder. When
I reply to that same message, however, it shows (e-mail address removed) as the
sender's email address instead of (e-mail address removed).

I know that the sender can manually click on the Account button and select
whatever outgoing email account s/he wants to associate with the outgoing
email message. This approach, however, is a manual operation and prone to
human error. Rather than trust the user to select the correct outgoing
sender's email address, I'd prefer to have a 'rule' that would do this
automatically. I tried to create a rule for this but don't seem to find a
combination of choices that would work. I also know that we cold ask the
user to periodically 'File|Open| Other user's folder...' and address the
problem this way (but then the operator could not size up how many unread
emails are in each of the folders).

Any suggestions?

Brian Tillman

Scott said:
My problem is that when I reply to an email I'd like the reply to
automatically use what had been the recipient's original email
address. For example, if an email was directed to
(e-mail address removed) and had the word Amazon in the subject line, it
would be relocated to the Amazon folder. When I reply to that same
message, however, it shows (e-mail address removed) as the sender's email
address instead of (e-mail address removed).

It appears all your addresses are actually aliases and not directed to
separate mailboxes. As far as Outlook is concerned, they're all received by
the same account. Outlook doesn't give two hoots about the recipient
address, it cares about the receiving account. If you had multiple accounts
(with separate mailboxes), then Outlook would perform the way you describe,
replying using hte account through which the message was received. Since
your messages were all received through the "sales" account, that's the
account Outlook will use when replying. There's no way to override that
except by the manual choosing of the account, as you described.

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