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Using Outlook 2000 on a Win2K Pro system, I have a problem receiving replies
from users who respond to my e-mail using the BellSouth WebMail site. The
information from my e-mail is included, as are all attachments I may have
sent, but the message from the other user is never shown.

I have tested this extensively, and found that none of the BellSouth users I
can identify, including my own BellSouth address, will work. Although I
can't say for sure, I believe this problem may be somehow related to the AT&T
acquisition of BellSouth, because I didn't have this problem before it
started about 6 months ago.

I contacted BellSouth support, but they say it is a Microsoft problem. That
does not seem likely to me since every other "Web Mail" site works correctly.

If anyone has any experience with resolving this problem, I would appreciate
knowing about it, even if you were unable to find a solution.


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

You're not the only one having this issue with messages received from users
of BellSouth's webmail client. I also suspect the issue is on their end but
I have not heard of a fix yet.

Try viewing the message with AutoPreview turned on in your message list
view...I have found that I can see the BellSouth user's message that way.
I've also seen the original come as an attachment to the reply, in at least
one case.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Hi Jocelyn,

Thanks for the reply. I tried using the Preview and Auto Preview functions
(independently, and together), but the message was not there. A "reply.dat"
attachment is present, but it has no data in it. It is possible that since I
am using such an old version of Outlook (2000), a newer version might do as
you suggest.

However your comments caused me to try something I hadn't tried before:
Print Preview. IT WORKS! It isn't obvious in the initial screen, so you
have to "magnify" it, and when you do, the message is there.

I am absolutely convinced this is BellSouth's problem because I have no
problems with other Web Mail messages.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

I'm glad you found another workaround and that you posted back so that others
can try it also. If other webmail clients are causing the same issue in
Outlook, I'm sure people will be posting about it in these groups.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***

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