Reply Email Address and Signature


MD Websunlimited

First, I recently had to reinstall OutLook XP on my system and since then it no longer selects the correct reply to signature and
account to send with automatically.

Example, I have emails come from account AccountA, AccountB, and AccountC. When I reply to a message retrieved from AccountA the
reply would be sent using the AccountA email address and signature. The same would be true for AccountB and AccountC.

Ever since the reinstall I now have to select the email account, from the account drop down, if it is not from the default account.
Anyone, know why and how I can but it back the way it was?



Brian Tillman

MD Websunlimited said:
First, I recently had to reinstall OutLook XP on my system and since
then it no longer selects the correct reply to signature and account
to send with automatically.
Example, I have emails come from account AccountA, AccountB, and
AccountC. When I reply to a message retrieved from AccountA the reply
would be sent using the AccountA email address and signature. The
same would be true for AccountB and AccountC.

The puzzling thing here is that Outlook 2002 doesn't have per-account
signatures. That feature was added in Outlook 2003 when using Word as the
mail editor.
Ever since the reinstall I now have to select the email account, from
the account drop down, if it is not from the default account. Anyone,
know why and how I can but it back the way it was?

Hm... Outlook _should_ be replying using the same account with which the
original message was received. Is there any information you're leaving out?
What kind of accounts are they?

MD Websunlimited

It is OL 2003

Nothing that I can think of is being left out. I have a laptop that is set up the same way and it works perfectly. I've went through
the setting one by one from the laptop to the desktop and the are a match.

How does OL determine the account to use?


Brian Tillman

MD Websunlimited said:
How does OL determine the account to use?

As far as I've been able to determine, for a new message, if you don't
specify an account, the one designated the default will be used, unless you
choose one explicitly.

For a reply or forward, the receiving account will be used, unless you
choose one explicitly.

Those are the rules, to the best of my knowledge.

MD Websunlimited

That is the way I have it set up under Tools | Options | Mail Format that emails receiving account is set to use explicit signatures
and accounts.

I keep playing around.


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