reply to: can't make postings from mac to this site



couldn't reply to your message, but here it goes.

first blueberry ibook G3 with OS 9.2.2
using Internet explorer to get to this website, everything
is fine until I want to post a message in this newsgroup.
I click new post or reply to post fill in my information
and then the send button in the bottom won't work. It
won't close the window and is also doesn't post my
message. On my PC at work, no problem.(That's what I am on
right now)



Beth Rosengard

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the details. First thing you need to know is that this newsgroup
isn't a website, even though you're accessing it through a website. Though
you didn't specify, from your description I'm pretty sure it's a Microsoft
Communities or Support URL. Either way, we have had reports of similar
problems before and I thought they were fixed, but apparently not.

To solve your problem, do one of the following:

1) Access this newsgroup via Google ( Click on the Groups
link and then on Advanced Groups Search. Then search for this newsgroup
( You won't have any trouble sending but
the disadvantage is that Google doesn't post immediately so you won't
necessarily see either your post or any answers right away.

2) The best method by far is to access the newsgroups via a newsreader. In
your case, you have one built in to Entourage, the email application that
comes with Office (which I'm assuming you have). This method makes posting
to newsgroups just like sending and receiving email. And it's pretty much
immediate. If you're interested in trying it, you'll find instructions at
the following URL:
<> (Note:
The Microsoft News Server should be in your folder list in Entourage by
default so you don't even have to set up the account.)

If you need more information, please post back here.

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <>
Entourage Help Page: <>

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