Reply to Mark (Major Problem with Report)



(Hope im not multi-positng) just wanted to start a new thread in case my
reply gets lost in the previous thread) :)


Thank you very much for your reply. By removing the payrollid from the
query, will it still create an extra shift each time a new payslip is

Basically to put a very complicated question simpler, this is what I need to
do: :)

1. go into the "frmcompany", add shifts into the subform, each shift has a
new ShiftId, and then , NoOfShiftsNormal, NoOfShiftsSunday, ShiftDate, etc
THis is how I create all the shifts for each employee (via the company form)

2. at month end (or sometimes the 15th) of each month, I go to the employee
form, and go to the "frmPayroll" on the Payroll Page (tab control) of the
employee form, then I select, NewPayslip. A new payrollId is then
generated, and i type in UIF, loan, and other deductions. Then i need to be
able to select a time period, ie: from 01.01.09 to 31.01.09.

3. click "PreviewPayslip", and then a payslip needs to be generated for the
shifts within that date range, and with the deductions on the payroll form
(uif, etc)

any suggestions?

I have designed the payslip, but it is not limiting the "shifts" by the
specific date range, and I did create a parameter query asking for "between
which date and which date"

also, each time i print a specific payslip for an employee, an extra shift
is added.

thank you kindly for your assistance


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