Replying with Attachments



Using Outlook 2003, it is apparent that you do not have the option of
Replying and retaining the attachment that was included in the original
message. I understand that MS feels that ‘the person who sent it originally
already has it,' however that's not necessarily the case. For example, if I
cut money from a budget and they decide they want to spread the cut
differently that I did, you go back and forth with numerous versions of the
original file between a group of people. One of the things I LOVE about
Outlook is the ability to revise a file and save the changes within the
email. I realize that we do have the ability to Forward with the changes,
however I feel it would be a great time-saver (which we ALL need) to simply
click Reply, or Reply to All, and have everything you need.

With the existing Posts that are requesting assistance for this exact issue,
I feel they are already establishing the demand.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


JGeddings said:
Using Outlook 2003, it is apparent that you do not have the option of
Replying and retaining the attachment that was included in the original
message. I understand that MS feels that ‘the person who sent it
already has it,' however that's not necessarily the case. For example, if
I cut money from a budget and they decide they want to spread the cut
differently that I did, you go back and forth with numerous versions of
original file between a group of people.

Don't bother to email the file - save it on a network drive accessible to
all recipients.


If we had one, that would be lovely. However, I am dealing with NUMEROUS
countries across the world. We have no common ground - hence my request.


JGeddings said:
If we had one, that would be lovely. However, I am dealing with NUMEROUS
countries across the world. We have no common ground - hence my request.

Put it on a web or ftp site........


Although it may be an answer for other people, it will not save me any time
due to an the amount of maintenance and strong IT involvement regarding
security, etc… Even though I do appreciate your assistance, I must say that
the simplest answer is the one I suggested. If MS could allow attachments to
be forwarded, they can allow them to be included in replies. It’s a simple
idea that should be easy to include in the next version. I have plenty of
‘work-arounds.’ What I need is a time-saver. Not to be rude (because I am
very grateful for the feedback), but this was a post for a suggestion, not a
request for assistance. There are several posts asking for help on this
topic and I'm sure they could really use your support.


JGeddings said:
Although it may be an answer for other people, it will not save me any
time due to an the amount of maintenance and strong IT involvement
security, etc… Even though I do appreciate your assistance, I must say
the simplest answer is the one I suggested. If MS could allow attachments
be forwarded, they can allow them to be included in replies. It’s a
idea that should be easy to include in the next version.

But the vast majority of people don't need it.........

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