OK, now I understand your request ;-). If you are not happy with
Analysis view take my quick shot as basic. Keep in mind that each record
will show capacity for a ressource, so you will need to modify.
Availability has to be calculated (capacity-work). I only want to give
you an idea where data is stored and how to link views:
SELECT dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView.ResourceName,
AVG(dbo.MSP_EpmResourceByDay_OlapView.Capacity) AS Capacity,
SUM(dbo.MSP_EpmAssignmentByDay_UserView.AssignmentWork) AS AssignmentWork
FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView INNER JOIN
dbo.MSP_EpmAssignment_UserView INNER JOIN
dbo.MSP_EpmResourceByDay_OlapView INNER JOIN
dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView ON
dbo.MSP_EpmResourceByDay_OlapView.ResourceUID =
dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView.ResourceUID ON
dbo.MSP_EpmAssignment_UserView.ResourceUID =
dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView.ResourceUID INNER JOIN
dbo.MSP_EpmAssignmentByDay_UserView ON
dbo.MSP_EpmAssignment_UserView.AssignmentUID =
dbo.MSP_EpmAssignmentByDay_UserView.AssignmentUID AND
dbo.MSP_EpmResourceByDay_OlapView.TimeByDay =
dbo.MSP_EpmAssignmentByDay_UserView.TimeByDay ON
dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView.ProjectUID =
GROUP BY dbo.MSP_EpmProject_UserView.ProjectName,
ORDER BY dbo.MSP_EpmResource_UserView.ResourceName,
I hope that one of my suggestions will help ...
Am 25.02.2010 15:20, schrieb All Resources with Availability in gantt:
I Tried in "Analisis Data" of Server settings because in "View Resource
Center - Availability" the maxrows is only 100 and i have around 2000
Barbara - Austria said:
I will not explain every step since I don't know what you really want to
see. But I will try to get you in the good direction.
Pre-requisit: Cube has to be configured correctly.
Server Settings -> Manage Views -> New View
Select 'Data Analysis' as View Type.
Scroll down to 'View Definition'. If you click into the Pivot Table a
window with available pivot fields will pop up.
You can drag measures like capacity, base capacity and work to the
yellow area. If you need Availibilty you will need to create a
calculated field ([Measures].[Capacity]-[Measures].[Work]).
'Base capacity' is the default capacity, 'capacity' does reflect work
off times from Administrative Tasks of Timesheets and Calendar Exceptions.
Dimensions like Time, Resource List (=Resources) can be drag to be a
column, filter, ...
A more simple way is Availabilty View: Resource Center -> Actions ->
Select All Resorces. Click on 'View Availabilty', modify Date range an
Units if needed. In the table you will find all required information as
resource, project, availabilty, capacity, work, .... In Actions you can
export that table to Excel ...
Hope that gives an idea
Am 24.02.2010 18:37, schrieb All Resources with Availability in gantt:
No problem, I'll Use Reporting db , but How do i do this report ?
the "name gantt" is name of project,
thanks for explain me
why do you need it from Published DB? What do you mean with "name gantt"?
There are several ways to get that if you can rely on Reporting DB. You
could for example simply use a data analysis view.
Am 24.02.2010 13:50, schrieb All Resources with Availability in gantt:
Hi friends,
I need a report or view or t-sql , etc,etc that list All resources from
database Published , in this report must contain , name resource, name gantt,
total capacity, total availability; all this for each resource
how do it ?
Thanks for helpme