Report Based On CrossTab Query? Please HELP!



I have created a CrossTab query that I wish to create a report from.

However the query has column headings that will be added as data changes
in the database. i.e. New teams being entered after design of report.

Example: There are only ever 3 Titles, but the number of teams can grow.

The data in the grid would be the names.

Team1 Team2 Team3 etc.




As columns increment to potentially Team24 or more, how do I get this
into my report? Because when I design my report from this Crosstab it only
shows the columns that exist at present. (3 Teams) How do I design a report
to show all the potential columns, which will increase as we enter new data?
I need it layed out this way becasue there will be a subreport with more

info for each team. i.e City, Date, Time, Schedule...

Any Ideas or help?

Thank you


Hi Duane,
Thanks very much for you example files!
They seem to work very well for the situations you have presented...
But I have been working on this all week trying to modify it to my
needs as explained below with no luck.
It seems your examples have a crosstab with sum calculations etc.
& also an employeeID that all the columns are geared to.
I only have a Title Row & Team column with names as the values (no
as shown below. When the Columns reach the limit for the page I need it to
go to
the next page.
I'm obviously not very proficient with designing reports and how to set them

Are there any other suggestions out there?

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