Report Calculations



Here is my scenario im printing the grades of students in Access
together with their averages the structure is this:


To get the average it should be Total(Units*Grade)/Total(Units) .

If there are blank grades or NFE marks the Average is not computed
I need also to print the summary of %Passing %failing per student.

How will i put it in the repor designer, do i need to code it ..Please


Duane Hookom

Are we supposed to know what NFE marks are? How about your rules for passing
and failing?

Could you take the time to provide more information and possible sample
records with the desired calc results.


Here is a clearer picture.. a student shall be given a grade either
from 70-100. If the student did not take the final exam the grade is
NFE (no final exam) , if the student dropped he is given a grade of D.

the Table has these fields Grade, Units, SubjectID and IDNumber.

to compute the Average of a student you must be able to get the total
of (Grade*Unit) provided there are no grades that are blank,NFE or D.

My question is how do i place the computation in my report. Need some
advice .thanks

Duane Hookom

"and possible sample records with the desired calc results."
Are you suggesting the Grade field is text?

If you can't take a minute to type in a few sample records with the desired
calc results, I'm not sure how you can expect anyone to take the time to


heres the sample data

Person 1
Engl1 75 3
Math1 70 4
Geo2 75 3
Lit1 70 3

%Passed=46.2% AVERAGE=72.30%

Person 2
Engl1 75 3
Math1 D 4
Geo2 NFE 3
Lit1 70 3

%Passed=23.3% AVERAGE= --
%NFE = 23.3%

Duane Hookom

To be honest with you, it's too much work for me to figure out how you
arrived at percentages. I wouldn't use the GRADE field to mark either NFE or
D. The GRADE field should be for the numeric grade only. A status field
should be added that stores the status such as complete, D, NFE, or other.
You could then multiply the grade for complete classes times the UNITS
without having to convert to numbers from text.

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