Report criteria



I have a form that collects report criteria. It works fine in Access 2000 but in Access 2003 I get the message "you entered an expression that has an invalid refernce to the property visable" . "the property may not exist or may not apply to the object you specified"

Click OK and I get
" Macro name: criter for records by date.OK button
"Condition: true
"Action name: setvalue
"Arguements: [visible],no

The macro appears to comply with the help exampl

Can anyone hel

Duane Hookom

First, I would convert the macro to code so that you can get some help from
those of us who never us macros. Do you have a field named [visible]?

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Laurie said:
I have a form that collects report criteria. It works fine in Access 2000
but in Access 2003 I get the message "you entered an expression that has an
invalid refernce to the property visable" . "the property may not exist or
may not apply to the object you specified".
Click OK and I get
" Macro name: criter for records by date.OK button"
"Condition: true"
"Action name: setvalue"
"Arguements: [visible],no"

The macro appears to comply with the help example

Can anyone help

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