Report Date Formatting



My report date formatting is mm/dd/yy which would give me 11/18/08.
Something has changed because it now gives me 11/18/20. If I lengthen the
field it will show 11/18/2008. I don't have room for 10 characters. So what
is the easy way to get the date to show in mm/dd/yy format.


My report date formatting is mm/dd/yy which would give me 11/18/08.
Something has changed because it now gives me 11/18/20. If I lengthen the
field it will show 11/18/2008. I don't have room for 10 characters. So what
is the easy way to get the date to show in mm/dd/yy format.

On the Format Property line of the control write:



More of the story. When I run the application on another PC it shows the
date as mm/dd/yy or 11/18/08. Since the application is the same running on
XP and Access 2003 why does it show 08 on other PC's and 20 on mine?


The format property in the report is mm/dd/yy. In further testing I found
that it works OK on some of my users PC's but not mine. See my repsonse to


OK, I found the answer.

If you go to Tools, Options, use four-digit year formatting and uncheck This
database and All databases then the date will show as 11/18/08 rather than

We have over 30 PC's using my Access databases and most of them displayed
the date as 11/18/08 while mine showed it as 11/18/2008 (or 11/18/20 since my
field size was to short to show it all). There are only a couple of PC's
that acted the same as mine. There must be a Windows date formatting that
overrides my Access formatting. But I don't have time to check this out.
I'm changing my Tools, Options formatting to just show the two digit years.

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