I have a report that I have created with a date ranges specified in a form.
The form and report work fine. However, my date ranges are not always
picking up the last day of the month. For example, when I select the month
of October, it leaves of the data from the 31st. Here is my where code, any
WHERE (((Transactions.TicketNum)>="0") AND
((Transactions.Transactions_DateTimeTransaction) Between
[Forms]![frmPlantRecapReportSetup]![BeginDate] And
[Forms]![frmPlantRecapReportSetup]![EndDate]) AND ((Transactions.Jobs_Job_ID)
Like nz([Forms]![frmPlantRecapReportSetup]![JobNumber],"*")) AND
((Transactions.VoidTkt)=No) AND ((Transactions.Reprinted)=No) AND
((Transactions.Simulated)=No And (Transactions.Simulated)=Yes))
ORDER BY Transactions.TicketNum;
The form and report work fine. However, my date ranges are not always
picking up the last day of the month. For example, when I select the month
of October, it leaves of the data from the 31st. Here is my where code, any
WHERE (((Transactions.TicketNum)>="0") AND
((Transactions.Transactions_DateTimeTransaction) Between
[Forms]![frmPlantRecapReportSetup]![BeginDate] And
[Forms]![frmPlantRecapReportSetup]![EndDate]) AND ((Transactions.Jobs_Job_ID)
Like nz([Forms]![frmPlantRecapReportSetup]![JobNumber],"*")) AND
((Transactions.VoidTkt)=No) AND ((Transactions.Reprinted)=No) AND
((Transactions.Simulated)=No And (Transactions.Simulated)=Yes))
ORDER BY Transactions.TicketNum;