Report Detail in Two Columns



I have a report where in the detail section it gives a yearly total from a
Yearly Total query. The years at total appear as below?

2000 500
2001 600
2002 660
2003 480
2004 555
2005 666
2006 789
2007 987

Is there a way to set it up where it would list the data in two colums like

2000 500 2004 555
2001 600 2005 666
2002 660 2006 789
2003 480 2007 987


Go to files/page setup/columns and tell it the number of columns you want and
whether you want them over and down or what. If that does not work change the
properties to columner to tabular.


Already had the column set to 2.

Where in properties do I change to tabular? The report properties? The
detail properties?


The the section header there is a control called new row or column. Change it
to after section.


I changed the New Row or Column to After Section in the Details section
properties. Now it lists on new year on a new page, but only the odd
numbered years????

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