Report Footer Problems



I haven't seen any posts describing this but my Access 2007 program crashes
when I atempt to scroll to the report footer where I inadvertantly copied a
bunch of controls. I am unable to get to them to cut them, delete them or
move them to wehere they should be. The rest of the report is functioing
properly and prints but as I said when I scroll down to reach the out of view
controls the program stops and restarts. I appreciate any thoughts or



I'm sorry to hear you have this problem. Can you specify a little more on
this issue.
Can't you delete the controls in Design View or are you trying to Delete
them in Layout View. Have you tried importing your report in another empty DB
and tried to see if the problem exists still in the new DB.



Hi Maurice,
Thanks for your thoughts--I tried importing into a new database and the
program continues to crash & re-start whenever I scroll to the bottom of the
report. I do have multiple sub-reports.

The rest of the report appears to be functioning correctly --The program
crashesd in design view and not in layout view and in layout view I can view
two additional pages unseen in design view--on the 2nd layout page at the
left margin are red dots that may be some compressed controls but it won't
let me delete in that view --the third page has a Page header but no detail
and I think I still have trapped controls in the footer -I have also tried
copying my subreports to a new report design but my controls were all
re-named--I still may be able to do that if necessary.

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