I have a made a report that has one group level that divides work hours by
pay type. In each group the hours are divded by regular and overtime hours
and are summed at the bottom of the section. I need to make a report footer
that will show the sum of regular and overtime hours by pay type, but I don't
know how to generate those sums. Here is what I want it to look like
Regular Overtime
Weekday x x
Weekend x x
Holidays x x
pay type. In each group the hours are divded by regular and overtime hours
and are summed at the bottom of the section. I need to make a report footer
that will show the sum of regular and overtime hours by pay type, but I don't
know how to generate those sums. Here is what I want it to look like
Regular Overtime
Weekday x x
Weekend x x
Holidays x x