Report From Crosstab Query



In Access 2007, I created a crosstabl query which displays contriubtor
information by year. This works great and when I add a contribution for a
new year and then run my query, I see a new column generated for that new
year. However, I am having problems with the report that's generated from
this query. The report itself does NOT show the new year in a new column. I
understand why ... the report is static.

I have a couple of questions:

Is there any way to ask for input from the user (for a beginning and ending
year) before running the query, so that the user can get information from
2007 to 2009 or 2003 - 2006?

Is there any way to leave the query as it is, and it retrieves all the
information, but then get input from the user and set parameters when running
the report?

Then, depending upon the input of the user, I would only show the years that
they requested on the report.

Thank you for any information that could lead me in the right direction!
I'm pretty rusty when it comes to writing code, but I've been picking it up
quickly, if that's necessary for this report.

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