Report from two queries


Jose Lopes

I have two queries that search values, each one in its own table. These two
tables have a list of products, product brands, product family and
quantities. I have to make an inventory and I must compare the existences in
the two tables. Hopefully they will be exactly equal :)

On both queries, on the criteria field, I defined [Brand?] and [Product
family?] (this will make four question boxes appear when running the queries)
to filter only those I need to check during the inventory. After that I'm
able to create a single report with two subforms that get data from the these
queries and print the two lists side by side to compare them.

Now I'm finding that while using this report, the "hard work" of inserting
the same string values two times in the [Brand?] and [Product family?] fields
is two great :) How can I overcome this and only insert the [Brand?] and
[Product family?] fields once for the two subforms?

Jeff Boyce

Another approach would be to use a form to "gather" the selection criteria
(you could even use comboboxes and not require your users to memorize brand
& product family). Then modify the query(ies) that underlie your reports to
point to the (must be open) form that holds the selection criteria.


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Jose Lopes

Thx for your reply Jeff
The problem is that I’m not an expert in Access. What you proposed seems far
better than the solution I have but for now I’m just trying to achieve what I
described earlier. Do you have any ideas that can be applied by a beginner?

Thx again

Jeff Boyce


I believe you could handle the approach I described. Consider taking on the
challenge and feel free to post back here with more questions.

I'm afraid I don't have a simpler approach to solving what you described
(other than just entering the prompted values twice every time...<g>).

There might be a way to put the criteria into the report itself, but that's
equally complex with the approach I offered.

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

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