Report Help - Can you do this?

  • Thread starter Elmer Vander Hey
  • Start date

Elmer Vander Hey

I have a list of name that I want to use to create a phone directory. The
first time the Last Name appears it will be included in the listing each
occurences afterwards would only include the first and middle name. For

AARON, Henry William 222-555-5555
Frank J 222-666-6666
Tommy 222-777-7777
ADAMS, Allen K 222-234-2222
ALLEN, Bob 222-234-3333

Is this possible? I tried using Sorting and Grouping on the Last Name but
it prints the name twice - once in the header then once in the detail. Is
there a way to skip a record if it appears in the header?

Duane Hookom

You can set the Hide Duplicates to Yes on the Last Name text box and then
don't print a group header.

Elmer Vander Hey

The Last Name is not in a text box by itself. Also, I want the last name to
appear if the last name extends to the next page.

Elmer Vander Hey

I currently have a Group Header on LastName with a textbox containing a
concatenated string LastName & ", " & FirstName & " " & MiddleName. In the
detail section, I have a textbox containing a concatenated string FirstName
& " " & MiddleName. I would love to skip the record if it prints in the
Group Header.

Duane Hookom

Try add code to the On Format event of the Group Header
Me.MoveLayout = False

Duane Hookom

This sounds like serious corruption of the report or a bad printer driver.

Elmer Vander Hey

I decided to try something different. I removed the textboxes from the
LastName Group Header. I added a textbox that keeps a running count in the
group. In the Name textbox, I added an IIF statement that checks the count
in the GroupCount textbox and if it's equal to 1 then include the LastName
otherwise remove the LastName. Now the listing looks the way I want it
except if a LastName extends to the next page. Can I execute some code that
will reset the count to 1 if a new page is encountered?

Duane Hookom

How did you create "a textbox that keeps a running count"? If you used
Running Sum, you can set the Over Group value.

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