Report is squished



Hi, I have created some Access 2002 reports that looked fine. When I print
the reports, I send them to CutePDF to create PDFs. I was at another place
and needed to print the reports again. Since I have the database on a flash
drive, I ran the reports and printed them on the network printer (the PC
didn't have CutePDF and I had no Admin rights to install it). Access
displayed a dialog boxes saying that I had used CutePDF before. I click OK
and the report printed. Now, when I open the report at home, the report is
all squished. The letters are overlapping each other and the report is on
multiple pages. What happened? How do I fix it?



Access "remembered" the other printer and is formatting it for that printer.
Open the report in design view.
Go to Page Setup.
Select CutePDF as the printer.
Save design


Unfortunately, I tried this before and it didn't work. The report is still

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