Report Issue



I have created a 3 level report (VehicleEntries, Jobs and PartsUsed). The
report has the two groups, Vehicle Entries and Jobs. However a Vehicle Entry
is not displayed on the report if there is no data in the Jobs or PartsUsed
table that correspond to the specific VehicleEntry. Any ideas how to display
every single record of the VehicleEntries table on that report even if there
are no other related records in other tables?

Tom Wickerath

Hi Kourkoutas,

This sounds to me like an Inner Join issue. Open the query in design view,
which serves as the record source for this report. Double-click on the join
line between two tables. Do you have the default choice 1: "Only include rows
where the joined fields are equal"? Change the joins so that it reads
something like: "Include all records from 'VehicleEntries' and only those
records from 'Jobs' where the joined fields are equal. Make a similar change
for a join between VehicleEntries and PartsUsed.

For more information, read the topic "Types of joins" here:

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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