REport layout


Frank Situmorang

When I designed a report using report wizard for summay grouping by
currency, the layout of grouping is like this:

Line No Jobnio. Jobname currency Amount
1. xx Job A
2. Euro 1000
3 Rp. 100,000

Ho can I make the currency Grouping is in one line per job, because I want
to export it into excel and want to covert it to reporting currency Rp
and I want the report summary to be like this:

Line No Jobnio. Jobname Euro Rp
1. xx Job A 1000 100,000,-

grouping is in line with the job.

Appreciate if any body can help me, I tried to make it by desingn view, but
I could not.

Thanks in advance


Duane Hookom

I think you need a crosstab query that uses Line No, Jobnio, and JobName as
Row Headings, Currency as the Column Heading, and First of Amount as the

Frank Situmorang

Thank you verymuch Duane, this is what really I need, you are so genius and
generous in helping me.

If we need to make it on a report, how can we make it exactly as the query
layout, but I want to make it in a report. Could you help me again.

Thanks in advance


Frank Situmorang

Yes,,..Duane thanks very much, I have seen the website and I will give a try.

Best Regards,


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