Report Manager Help File


T. Jay Solon

Howdy y'all. My company recently bought me a new cpu so I
could have Office and excel 2000. We loaded the excel add-
in "Report Manager". When I tried to open said help file I
got error message saying cannot find file xlmain8. I went
to microsoft web site and got instructions on how to get
around this problem but it turns out the get arounds are
for XL97 and I have 2000. The 2000 site does not have any
index matches for the file xlmain8. Can anyone help me
find my help file? Thanks. T.

Debra Dalgleish

The following post refers to the same problem in Excel 2002:[email protected]

Instead of using the Help button in the Report Manager, you could use
Excel's Help file, and search for Report Manager. But you're not missing
much -- pasted below are the contents of the Report Manager Help screen.

About the Report Manager command (View menu)

Combines a sequence of sheets, views, and scenarios to create a report
that you can print.

Click a report in the Reports box to print, edit, or delete the report.

Click Print to print the selected report.

Click Add to create a new report.

Click Edit to edit the selected report.

Click Delete to delete the selected report.

T. Jay Solon

-----Original Message-----
The following post refers to the same problem in Excel 2002:

Instead of using the Help button in the Report Manager, you could use
Excel's Help file, and search for Report Manager. But you're not missing
much -- pasted below are the contents of the Report Manager Help screen.

About the Report Manager command (View menu)

Combines a sequence of sheets, views, and scenarios to create a report
that you can print.

Click a report in the Reports box to print, edit, or delete the report.

Click Print to print the selected report.

Click Add to create a new report.

Click Edit to edit the selected report.

Click Delete to delete the selected report.

Debra Dalgleish
Excel FAQ, Tips & Book List

Thank You for the information. I should know by now
that "Help" usually doesn't. Merry Christmas. T.

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